Sales error
Bruno Morales Tasson
please I've had the same problem today when I was about to sell claricite bricks for 10870 when I was typing 10.. my cat stepped on the keyboard and pressed enter so the item sold for 10 cents in less than 2 seconds. There should be a second authenticator like a message asking you "Are you sure you want to sell "bricks" for 10?" That would help a lot
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Very Low Price Alert
Supreme Magus
Hello, I think there should be a very low price alert. Just as there is for very high prices. Because I don't think it's fair to protect buyers and not protect sellers from possible typos. I for example ended up losing 32k Berry by selling 18 Butterbrew for 284 each instead of 2084 which was the market price. If I had been warned about the price being too low, I certainly wouldn't have lost out. If possible, please implement this function. Thank you very much for your attention. Sincerely, Supreme Magus.
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Some Method to Prevent Accidental Listing at Low Prices
An alert or confirmation message when items are listed below a certain price, maybe 50% of floor price or just not allowing players to list at low prices similar to the "price too high" scenario.
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Please add a warning confirmation feature for selling items on the marketplace, because someone might make an input error when selling an item, for example selling an item too cheaply without realizing that the item will immediately be bought by another player and result in a loss of coins for the user, adding this feature as a warning so as not to immediately sell goods at prices that are too cheap in the marketplace, maybe if the goods sold are small it won't be too detrimental but if someone sells expensive goods at a very cheap price it will definitely be very detrimental to the player, it may seem complicated but I think this is very useful. This feature might also reduce bots that sell goods cheaply in the marketplace.
M. Alvin Suriansyah
Because I'm one of the victims
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I would like to add a warning that the price of the item to be sold is too cheap, or alternatively a button to confirm that the item will be put up for sale at a low price, I accidentally sold 12 muckchuck for 24 coins lol.
Panchito 904
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Market Price
Nasa | SDK
Adjust the prices of the items so that they cannot be lowered by more than 10% of the current lowest price. If you control the market price of items the bots will no longer have control of it.
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i lost 3.4 million coins
Jesus Gutierrez
Hello. I know you won't be able to help me, but at least keep the following in mind. I lost more than 3.4 million coins for not placing a 0 in the price, just as they warn for placing a very high price that same function should exist for very low prices. thank you
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in the same way that there is a price threshold preventing sales that are too far away from the market, there should also be a mechanism that prevents you from selling an item too low, by entering the wrong price inadvertently. it should reject if say a sell order is x % lower than the last traded price. Its my own fault that i traded heartbeat wine @ 800 instead of 8k, but I'm sure it would be a simple adjustment and an general enhancement that benefits all
or allow for a 2 way market, so that if you do enter the wrong price you trade at the best available buy price as opposed to down 90%