Guild creations of larger guild into smaller guilds not right. They should be judged by the whole guild, just like a guild of 20 should be judged. I believe you had this problem last year. Should use the population of the guild somehow to better control sub guilds. Macro users are a problem. I believe you had these problems last year. It just seems like it's a pixel redistribution from the poor to the rich guilds .It seemed like this last time. Rewards for lowers leaderboards guilds is poor. Need more farming plots. Need a better way to protect farmers. like pushing rocks in the way of other players. Don't use previously gained pixel from earlier event for rewards of GW. Use GW pixel for GW. That just helps the higher allied guilds get more pixel. If you want to win more pixel, people should win what was won from the GW. GW is just like last time except the excitement wore off this time. Should be called "Top 10 guilds' pixel distribution event". Feels like most people in guilds don't even want to play the only guild-specific game in Pixels. This doesn't even inspire solo players to join a guild. Time for a total new overhaul, i believe.