Allow Players to steal crops planted by someone else if player did not harvest responsibly!
0x Athena
It is such a hassle to go to a land and finding out the soils are only stagnant, and taken by players NOT harvesting their crops responsibly. This causes a little bit of stress to players.
I propose a solution to let other players to steal the crops for a duration of 2 hours. If the farmer who originally planted the crops did not harvest what he sowed, he got 2 hours grace period to harvest it before other players can steal it.
Joe L
Gleaning is a common practice in gardening to remove unwanted crops. Incorporate that. Look at . There's other ideas for the game there. Woolgathering, fishing. But removing crops after it's grown should be address. If it takes 15 minutes to grow, it definately shouldn't take 2 hours to die. It should be relative to the time it takes to grow. Thank you
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PVP inside Guild
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add ability harvest "Ready to Harvest" crop of guild member (like in SporeSports)
after short amount timeout (for example 20min)
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Creating an automatic reset in all lands related to plantation, there are several players who are leaving their crops behind. The 4 leaf for example, does not rot easily, the players are only collecting the clovers. Maybe reduce the time to collect or create some cosmetics that we can buy for 1 coin and throw on top of the product and it disappears, without spending our energy and automatically discounting the player, so that he doesn't do it anymore. In this item, you can also put an estimated time so that we can use it, without disturbing the harvest that is really playing, for example, 30 minutes after planting, if the player does not harvest, another player can use this item and undo the plantation.
Another tip too, in the t3 crafts above, do not authorize the player below to use to craft t1, t2, t3 products. Authorize only the manufacturing referring to the level, which in this case should be like this since the implementation of the tiers.
This ends up hurting the higher levels to level up, because always a level 10 player uses a t4 that the requirement for use is level 60. It ends up getting in the way, if the player is low level put it in your land and do it there,Don't get in the way of other players!
Nasa | SDK
Implement a system where dead crops automatically vanish after 10 minutes, returning the seeds to the owner.
add some fun random gameplay to that idea!
-within the first 10 min only the 1st farmer can harvest
-from min 10 to 60 there is a chance for the 2nd farmer of 25% to get the crop, farmer 1 a 50% chance and with 25% goes to surplus
-after 60 min farmer 2 gets a chance of 75% to get the crop surplus is 24% and farmer 1 has a chance of 1% to get the crop
Oscar S. Simanjuntak
A bad actor can also purposefully leave the crops unharvested to prevent others to plant there, and make the land stagnant. Please create a fix for this. maybe auto harvested after x minutes. And to claim the harvested crops will consume the same amount of energy as manual harvesting
A better solution could be allowing other players to plant right after the crop fully grows just like with the mine, the mine becomes available again right after mining finishes.
Rafael Luik
Bots would steal all the crops, and multiaccounts would intentionally leave crops unharvested and steal all the crops for free on their main account.
The correct thing to do is to let anyone remove them but delete from the game, don't give back crops nor seeds.
Dandi Bars
I think we need to return everything as it was in the Chapter 1. It was perfect. An hour is a lot. The earth shouldn't sit idle for so long
One hour is enough! Crops grow fast. No reason to leave the land not harvesting it first!
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