Consider introducing a new mechanic "Recipe Mastery"
hedi khlif
Hi just sharing a smart mechanic from a fellow web3 game update for crafting, "recipe mastery" for pixel could be reduced ingredient quantity / reduced crafting time, this easily encourage players to become a specialist in one or two skills and this will allow for:
1- more gameplay variety
2- more need for cooperation between players
3- it gives all-rounders and crazy skill grinders (including bots) less power in the game market, as in this case a specialist player will then have better production/gain from his specific skill and recipes mastery
4-crafting right now is underrated. Extractors are just farming, mining and tree cutting to extract easy pixel from easy tasks in tb so this will also help with that.
hoping to see this included in future updates!
Joe L
interesting concept. As a previous woodshop employee, i DO believe that with experience comes efficiency. You can build things quicker, better and with less time. This would be nice to see implemented. The only really bad part would be having a "sawstump chest" bot. A "borebranch bot". Would have to find a way around that. Otherwise, i think that's a great idea.