Guilds (clan). Guild chat. Private chat.
Joe L
It would be nice but i was thinking we HAVE got this far without it. But when Patrick De Lorenzi said not all guild members join discord, i remember we DO have a problem communicating with people that don't talk in discord. UPVOTE.
Merged in a post:
In game chat. Guild, Private, General
Cat Guy
Something similar to the image, chat needs an overhaul to create a better in-game experience. Guild chat, private chat and general chat. Notification for @'s would be great too as chat moves quickly at events/gatherings.
its crazy we came this far as a community game, with only that chat box. time to improve!
Narek 9523
Nice one, I like that
Narek 9523
Nice one, I like that
Alsheikh Games
we need this! plz approve
Resizable, moveable/docking/undocking window as well please
Cat Guy
RagPoet YES!! This would make such a better experience
Exele Alexandre
And also, whisper chat
Also, a chat focus key better than C is needed, Enter key for example, but not something that you're gonna use in the input because there's no quick going out
Cat Guy
cholosavage approves
Cat Guy I approve this message
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