If you're AFK on crops or covering them, you're going to get 10 energy per minute. Once you run out of power, you'll be teleported to Terravilla.
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AFK-ers in Lands need to be kicked out after a certain or random amount of time.
Yohan Husei
All of the apiaries I have bookmarked are so hard to get in to. It is always full because of the amount of players and bots that are just afk there waiting for the honey to refresh. I highly suggest kicking them out and into either Terra Villa or their specks. The people who are actively moving in between lands to craft and gather don't need to suffer from these people who just afk. Please resolve this, I can guarantee the land owners would thank you for it.
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To help in farming player standing on soil
Make when player walks on soil make them transparent so that people can see through them this will help players a lot even if they go afk on soil it won't be a problem anymore
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PVP Activity/Inactivity Shield for Bot Prevention
Maybe have a timer that makes AFK players (bots), or almost inactive players that don't pass a certain activity threshold vulnerable to PvP attacks and partial looting of their inventory.
This could be a good method of bot prevention that is community and player-led, not to mention a bit of good fun ! :)
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Players afk on soils
Pronx Gaming
can u remove those character doing afk at soils? put some durations or what. sometimes its hard to see if watered or not.
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Auto move motionless players.
We need a feature added that teleports you to Terravilla or at least pushes you off the farming plots if you stand still more than 1 minute.
you dont need to see your crops to be fair, you know where the crop is and am sure there is a free spot where you could see if the field is ready
only issue would be on watering grumpkins as the visual cue is subtle and you need to check them all
Noah Ralston
I want to be able to push them. That way we could make pictures with all the afk avatars.
Alexandru Zanfir
man 1 minute sounds stupid...5-10 minutes i agree but 1 minute no way bro imagine doing something else or just alt tab to switch a video and ur back to terravilla...put 5 to 10 minutes to avoid idliling players on map
Alexandru Zanfir thanks for the opinion. I think 5-10 sounds "stupid". And within that 5-10 minutes I am blocked from seeing if my crop is finished?
Yes or something along those lines would be great!
You could have some kind of "afk timer" that if they are on the soil too long, say 30 minutes, a giant Sandworm like in Dune devours them from under the earth and they respawn in the sauna.
For a bit of fun :)
Reg A
Totally agree to this. Like other farm games, when you plant on soils, only the soils are visible, and other elements are grayed out or become hidden.
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