New Bank QOL Features
SloppySteaks Farm340
I propose having new features added to the bank such as a history of trading with players, any market purchases, and TB tasks.
Additionally, there could be a gated staking functionality, where players with high rep can stake their pixel in game. High rep required to unstake as well potentially. The bank needs to have some QOL updates since atm you don't even need to go into the bank to buy coins.....
Joe L
would be nice to use the bank to store a guild's coin, instead of relying on one person. Our guild leader left the guild with all our coin and pixel. And we actually trusted him. Banks should be used to store coins, both in IRL and in the game. Distribute rewards to the guild's bank account. and maybe a multi-sig account. Would be nice to donate to guild and especially have a log of all activity.