Reputation score guild membership / Industry limit Guild NFT lands
With the 2.5 update we will also see a rework of the reputation system in Pixels. A list of new reputation scores have been shared on Discord. I’m missing one and that is receiving reputation for being active in a guild.
As mention several times during AMA Guilds are an important social network within the Pixels ecosystem where players meet, share and enjoy Pixels together. My best decision so far when I started to play Pixels was being introduced to a guild by a friend. They have their own Discord where we hang out, discuss goals and strategies, chat offline or while playing Pixels. Our guild has several NFT lands some public and one closed just only accessible for Guild members. Being able to do my daily tasks on a closed NFT land without having to worry if all industries are being used, trees are cut etc. and not having to roam open NFT lands to be able to do my daily tasks is a huge benefit.
- Buying a Guild shard burns Pixels.
- Add an emphasis for solo players to join social groups.
- Boost future Guild related events. (Guild wars)
- None
- Guild reputation is only rewarded for one guild and does not stack.
- Guilds need to have an minimal X amount of members before guild reputation is rewarded to prevent players from creating a guild solo just for receiving Guild reputation.
- Guild reputation is removed when a player is no longer in any guild (has sold shard) like the VIP reputation which is removed after a player no longer has VIP.
The 2.5 update will likely bring a industry cap for NFT lands during phase 2 of the 2.5 update. While I understand the underlaying direction of the decision to cap industries I would love to see a benefit of guild NFT lands over public NFT lands by nullify or at least reduce the industry limit for NFT lands owned by a Guild.
- There is still an emphasis for Guilds to have a closed Guild NFT land for Guild members with the benefits for being in a Guild. This benefit will reduce when Guild members are forced to roam public lands to be able to do their daily tasks.
- It is less likely that guild owners owning several NFT lands are closing public lands and returning them to Guild only which might reduce the amount of public lands.
- None
- None
Joe L
what's to stop bots from forming their own guild and getting rep points?
This is a superb suggestion by Mentminting!!! The power of your ideas is undeniable. The socio-economic value of guilds can't be understated, especially when considering the mechanisms the game employs for level advancement. A player's ability to successfully operate in and contribute to a group should be rewarded accordingly. Ment is brilliant to point out here how digital scarcity and exclusivity of access through guild membership can drive and ultimately improve the user experience. The benefits to the game are more than burn mechanisms because the social networks encompassed by guilds incorporate waaaaaaaay more than just Pixels. Through guilds we build relationships and bonds that endeavor to go beyond the game. I have learned so much from fellow guild members (i.e. new features in Pixels, also other Web3 games, new technology, etc.) that the interpersonal interactions themselves have become the prime benefit. With modifications to the industry caps, land ban lists, and super engaged players like Ment spearheading community initiatives; it seems like the Chapter 2.5 update is mega promising!
Using pixels that we earned in game is good for the economy instead of just cashing it all out. And this suggestion is good enough to help players decide to use their pixels to join the guild for the benefits that it will give like a guild reputation points. After all, everyone wants a higher reputation.
And some benefits for the guild like a a certain exemption if they are performing well also helps to boost the guilds morale.