See Avatar NFT project
Noah Ralston
At a minimum it would be great if we could navigate to the Opensea page for the NFT that a user is using as their avatar. I often see cool avatars but have no idea what project they are from.
Even if we keep the Seam thing, perhaps if we click on the icon of their avatar at the top of the profile pop up, that would take us to their NFT.
Merged in a post:
See NFT Avatar name in player's profile
Sometimes you see a cool avatar and want to know what it is, so it would be great if we could instantly see the name of the set avatar's NFT collection when we click on the player.
This will also help when multiple guilds have their own avatars, so you can easily identify which guild the avatar belongs to.
+1 I agree on this.
Oriel Tobo
That's a great idea