Transparency reputation system
Why is reputation important for players and why do we care so much about reputation
Reputation has an important role what players can or can’t do in Pixels.
- Access Market
- Withdraw Pixels
- Trade with other players
Flaws in the reputation system introduced with chapter 2.
The new reputation system is dynamic which will increases / decreased by player interaction. There is no transparency however why reputation increases or worst decreases. Nor Farm hands on Discord or support has access to data or can players explain well why reputation in or decreases.
As mentioned several times by Luke and Heidi participating in quests or live event has a positive influence on your reputation and players are encouraged to participate in those to gain reputation. I have started to play Pixels on the June 6 and been a active daily player, active guild member, worked hard to level my skills and participated in every quest and live op events also those where I have invested time, coins and Pixels to participate in live op events.
Quests and Live events are limited giving players limited opportunities to gain small reputation increases. The sad reality is that with the dynamic reputation system Pixels team can take away those hard earned reputation without any notification or explanation or why reputation decreased. This has now happened twice to me in a short time span:
- On Friday 9 at the beginning of the evening I lost 270 reputation without any notice. It was later explained very briefly in the AMA that it was done to rebalance the guild reputation. This has led to a lot of questions on Discord which no one could answer.
- Today December 8 I lost another 500 reputation without any explanation of why?
Not being able to provide transparency has unfortunately let to the situation that I led my Guild leader know today that I will not participate in the upcoming Guild Wars 2 live ops event as part of a serious trust issue that if reputation is given this can be taken away somewhere in the future. I’m close to needing to renew my VIP but seriously doubting if I should renew since it starting to look like the only trusted way to retain reputation is by paying for it (pay to win model).
What does need to chance
While the reputation system is dynamic it is understandable that not all the increases can be explained but at least:
- At the start of new Quests or Live Op event communicate if and how much reputation is given this will take away a lot of questions on Discord about does this quest give reputation? This will make it also that players can up front decided if they want to invest time, coins or Pixels in a quest or a Live Op event.
- Be transparent when reputation from quests or live op events are rewarded. We had several quests and Live op events where players where asking on Discord why reputation has not been send and no one could answer other than next week maybe…..
- If a reputation rebalance is required announce it first on Discord or in a AMA with an explanation of why the rebalance is required to take place this should lead at least to more understanding than just take it away and hope no one will notice. We notice because we players find importance and care for our reputation.
Joe L
I agree on being transparent. I do nothing and lose rep points. How is it based. If i win a contest and win 1 million coin, is the " reputation system" going to think i paid for 1m coin and lower my rep. If i give away a lot in a contest drawing, will i lose rep? It's hard to know what to do because rep points aren't clear on how it's based.
Explain before contests how much rep we'll win so we know whether or not to invest time and pixel to it. I think this is a system in the game that no player knows anything about. I understand you have to keep it secret from the bots but explain SOMETHING to the players, please.
I don’t even play the game that much, and I still lost around 400
Here is the same , i recognize a drop of around 600 points in sum during the last month , most of it in the last week. I know that I did nothing wrong and have no idea what happend.
Its anoying to play the game like this. After months you gain some little rep point by joining a event and some days later you loose x-times .
Rep got bound to fees on mp , so most of the time you see it first when you try to sell something on mp.
I am watching this since month, and getting angry on playing like this.
It make it more bad since there is no officical way to get help on this , or a explanation. You need to make "appeal" ticket, because there is no other way to communiicate to the pixels team.
If it is a bug the pixels team should tell it at all, and say that they fix it soon. Also inform when done. .
In my eyes the "dynamic" cannot be like "one day you can create a guild" and "2 days later you cannot for example. Or suddenly you have to pay double fees rates .
I don't have problems with a dynamic reputation that the pixels are now imposing. But it can help avoid complications like this one if pixels team can provide us the grounds on how they add or take away the reputation that the players have. Much more if pixels team are going to provide the amount of reputation those grounds will have on us.