Feature Request

Burning levels
Due to the coin inflation in the game, one potential future solution could be the introduction of a level-burning mechanic. For instance, players could level up normally from level 1 to 19, but upon reaching level 20, a certain amount of coins would be required to unlock the next set of levels. This process could repeat at key milestones (e.g., level 39, level 59, etc.), with each tier (tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 etc.) requiring a coin burn to progress further. This system would not only complement the current tax imposed on trades, which already forces bots to burn coins, but it would also add an additional layer of coin burning tied to leveling progression. Currently, it's common for players to level up accounts focused only on farming, mining, and forestry, earning more than accounts that have reached much higher overall levels (like level 600). Implementing level burning would address this imbalance. Advantages: 1) Economic Balance: Introducing level burning would reduce the overall supply of coins in circulation, helping to combat inflation. 2) Bot Deterrence: It would make it more costly for bot accounts or multi-account setups to level up only a few skills, thus discouraging exploitation of the game mechanics. 3) Long-term Engagement: Players would need to plan their coin spending more strategically, leading to longer-term engagement with the game. 4) Stable OTC Market: The introduction of level burning would also open the possibility for an OTC market within the game. Players could exchange earned pixels for coins to progress further or customize their gameplay, such as decorating plots. This would create a self-sustaining loop where players burn the coins they’ve earned to advance, keeping the economy stable while the game provides new coins to players. The process ensures that coins are circulated naturally, without being generated by bots, avoiding future coin scarcity while maintaining balance. Disadvantages: 1) Barrier to Entry: New players might feel discouraged if they need to spend coins just to level up 2) Potential backlash: Players accustomed to the current leveling system might resist this change, especially those who have invested time and money to level up multiple accounts.
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